COVID Procedure
Prevention & Best Practice to avoid direct and indirect CoviD-19 spread
By Mid-March, Coronavirus infections around the world has exceeded 150,000 cases while the death toll, globally, is above 5,600 cases, according to Johns-Hopkins University and its monitoring of the pandemic trend.
We are truly living in unique times. The coronavirus pandemic is impacting everyone from our families, to our businesses, to our first responders who are bravely on the front lines. As the situation continues to affect our world, ITA GROUP realized a preventive procedure to support food industries, retail, employees, our community and you—our customers and partners.
With the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the need arises to carry out preventive procedures for containing the virus. The reinforced routine-cleaning procedures and new hygiene and prevention practices connected with team training that will be effective in spreading knowledge on COVID -19 development and how to prevent and reduce COVID-19 infections.
The Enhanced Prevention and Hygiene Procedure has been designed for all food businesses that wants voluntary certify that “reinforced measures” are adopted within their premises to ensure highest sanitation, both in the premises and in the goods against CoviD-19.
Therefore, we are advocating the need to help companies to implement prevention and reduction actions for the spread of COVID-19 within their premises.
To prevent and implement best practices to avoid direct and indirect spreading of the COVID-19 virus is our goal.
ITA GROUP’s Specialists can update your procedures to contain the emergency
Why Our Procedure?
Implementing this Enhanced Prevention and Hygiene Procedure means acquiring greater competence in order to activate containment and prevention measures for the Coronavirus.
Our teams is here for you, and we’ll continue to keep you updated and informed.